Logan Rebhan is the son of Matthew Rebhan and Heather Woulfe. Logan was 3 months old when he was diagnosed with Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Logan underwent several rounds of chemo and radiation. He was transferred to the Childrens Hospital Of Philadelphia (CHOP) two different times where he received Car T therapy. Logan battled this horrible disease for 20 months, he achieved remission but relapsed a short time later and unfortunately in March of 2020 Logan took his last breath at home surrounded by his family and friends.
Logan was and still is an inspiration to so many and one of the driving forces behind Casting For The Kids Foundation. Logan LOVED Mickey Mouse but unfortunately because of his relapse and hospital stays, he and his family were never able to make the trip to Disney.
In memory of Logan Rebhan, Casting For The Kids has created an annual Disney experience to be awarded to a family currently battling cancer, in remission or bereaved. Logan's legacy will live on in the hearts of the families receiving this award. The award will be granted annually by the Rebhan family.
The recipients of the award will receive the following.
5 days and 4 nights at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge
3 day theme park pass with park hopper option and genie pass
Disney's memory maker photo package
$1,000 in Disney Cash
A Logans Legacy Tee Shirt per family member
An amazing Disney Experience
It is requested that the recipients wear their Logans Legacy shirts one
day at the park and share a family photo from the park with Casting For The Kids

If you have questions or concerns, please email or call us...